Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Commonly used Unicode symbols

Unicode provides many special characters that you can use within an HTML document. If you use an international keyboard or Windows charmap to type these characters in the ASCII 128-255 range, chances are that people using a different type of computer than yours will see the wrong characters display. So it is better to use Unicode instead.

For example, try this in your HTML code:

I like to eat pâté de foie gras.

No matter what computer you use, your browser will display this as:

I like to eat pâté de foie gras.

Here are some more Unicode characters that you can use. They are shown in both monospace and regular font.

 Non-breaking spaceää            ä
¡¡            ¡èè            è
¿¿            ¿éé            é
¢¢            ¢êê            ê
££            £ëë            ë
""            "ìì            ì
¥¥            ¥íí            í
©©            ©îî            î
®®            ®ïï            ï
°°            °òò            ò
±±            ±óó            ó
¹¹            ¹ôô            ô
²²            ²öö            ö
³³            ³ùù            ù
µµ            µúú            ú
¶            ¶ûû            û
¼¼            ¼üü            ü
½½            ½ææ            æ
¾¾            ¾ãã            ã
××            ×åå            å
÷÷            ÷çç            ç
&&            &ðð            ð
&lt;<            <&ntilde;ñ            ñ
&gt;>            >&oslash;ø            ø
&laquo;«            «&otilde;õ            õ
&raquo;»            »&thorn;þ            þ
&agrave;à            à&yacute;ý            ý
&aacute;á            á&yuml;ÿ            ÿ
&acirc;â            â

There are many more Unicode symbols. This is just a partial list of the ones that I have found the most useful.

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